Services / Solutions Across Your Product Life Cycle
Align Supply Chain infrastructure with customer demand to positively impact
profitability and increase the desired quality and service level.
Sources for supply chain risk
Natural Disasters, Pandemic, Port delays
Geopolitical, Regulations,Trade Restrictions,tariffs
Economic Risks ; Price Volatility, Currency
Supply Base, Network, Design
Supplier Performance, Quality
Forecasting accuracy, Logistics
Accelerating Supply Chain

Recent events, from the global pandemic to semiconductor shortages, geopolitical uncertainty…etc., a proactive supply chain is no longer a choice.  Supply Chain aren’t as stable as they use to be, which means businesses must continually evolve and adapt.

From strategic insight to final execution, BBS help your company to gain full supply chain transparency, mitigate risk and deliver sustainable improvement opportunities.

1. Identify
Types of risk
2. Quantify
Financial Impacts
3. Mitigate
4. Respond
Recovery time